Monday, 17 September 2012

I Moustache You A Question...

I moustache you a question... Where did this whole moustache trend come from!? Because I'm pretty sure even Stella McCartney didn't predict this trend coming along. Never the less, wrapped among all the hype I came across a cute 'I love moustache' mug. Which I found myself smiling at, there's something about a mustache that just makes you giggle.   

But where did this whole moustache trend come from I hear you ask...? Long ago, on a website named Youtube, my friend told me about a kid on there who was really funny. You see, that kid was obsessed with mustaches. Then, all of a sudden! -dundundun- on a website named Tumblr, kids became obsessed with mustaches. Taking pictures with them, growing them, and even wearing clothing with mustaches on them. In my theory, I think the kid from Youtube who got it started, and now it seems to have become a global trend varying from moustache jewellery, clothes and even tattoos. 

Moustaches are universally accepted as the most superior form of facial hair. Women have often denied the greatness of Moustaches. However, every November the website starts mustache growing teams to raise money for prostate and testicular cancer. Clearly the moustache  is a force to be reckoned with!

Have you got the moustache feeling?


  1. love moustache jewellery. thanks for following my blog. Beth xx

  2. thanks for ur comment.
